Ipad mockup of a doctor in a hospital waiting room

Cybersight - Telemedicine

Cybersight is our award-winning telemedicine and e-learning platform. Through Cybersight, our expert volunteers teach and support eye care teams around the world using the latest advancements in internet and mobile technologies.

Cybersight is a digital extension of our mission. It increases our ability to provide training and support with our local partners. With Cybersight, we can make an impact in places where a physical presence simply isn't possible due to cost, logistics, or security.

Our expert volunteers provide on-demand advice for complex cases, mentoring local eye care professionals on diagnosis and treatment of their patients. We help combat geographic isolation with easy access to an expert second opinion.

We also make sure that everyone benefits from our training activities on board the Flying Eye Hospital, wherever it is in the world. We broadcast live lectures and surgeries to partner hospitals and classrooms around the globe. Remote participants enjoy a similar experience as those in the onboard classroom: they see surgeries through the operating microscope and can ask questions of expert surgeons and lecturers in real time.

Dr. Ijilmurun

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The Cyber­sight team and men­tors have played a major part in my pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment as an oph­thal­mol­o­gist. Due to the lack of up-to-date knowl­edge in the Mon­go­lian oph­thal­mol­o­gy sec­tor I rely heav­i­ly on the train­ing and men­tor­ship from Cyber­sight. Because of Cyber­sight I can learn every day, non­stop from excel­lent men­tors. You are a life-chang­ing force.”

Cybersight is also a living library of our collective training efforts, freely available to all eye health professionals including current and future generations of nurses, optometrists, anesthesiologists and ophthalmologists.

Lifetime Impact

*Lifetime/cumulative data as of end of July 2024

Thanks to Cybersight, we're now training more people in more places than ever before. The Cybersight community has grown to more than 100,000 registered eye health professionals from nearly every country in the world, enrolling in more than 320,000 online courses.

And this is just the beginning—with your support we can launch new innovations and improve access to eye care around the world.

Artificial Intelligence

A new artificial intelligence tool on our Cybersight platform can detect common eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, in seconds by examining digital photographs of the back of the eye. This is game-changing for increasing access to early detection, which is critical to prevent treatable eye conditions from leading to vision loss. Further refinements will be made to increase the accuracy of the technology and the number of conditions this incredible tool can detect.

Video: Using Cybersight AI to improve diabetic eye care.

The price point of cutting-edge technologies such as AI has too often kept them out of reach for the eye care professionals who need them most. Many experts consider AI to be the next big thing in ophthalmology and has the potential to revolutionize access to adequate eye screenings, diagnostics and treatment. Cybersight AI ensures that eye care professionals in low- and middle-income countries can access these tools for free.


Help us reach more people than ever with Cybersight

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