Orbites: Celebrating 40 years with Alcon

There is much to celebrate this World Sight Day – including 40 years of support from our corporate partner Alcon.

For four decades, Alcon has been helping us carry out our mission by donating ophthalmic equipment, pharmaceuticals and supplies for the programs we carry out around the world.

Alcon’s biomedical engineers and technicians have also been sharing their technical skills and knowledge to help our partners operate and maintain equipment and local eye care infrastructure.

Bob Ranck

CEO, Orbis International

Orbis is where we are today thanks to the com­mit­ment and gen­eros­i­ty of Alcon over the past 40 years. Alcon lit­er­al­ly got us off the ground in the very begin­ning with their first pledge to donate equip­ment for our Fly­ing Eye Hos­pi­tal in 1979, and their spon­sor­ship of our first pro­gram in Pana­ma in 1982. Since that time, Alcon’s sup­port has been incred­i­ble and unwa­ver­ing, not only through valu­able finan­cial sup­port, but also ded­i­cat­ing skills, time and resources.

During the second week of the Flying Eye Hospital’s recent program in Mandalay, Myanmar, we had an in-person opportunity to commemorate this partnership.

Slideshow: Alcon visit our Flying Eye Hospital project in Myanmar

Karen King (Alcon’s SVP of Investor Relations and Communications) and Melissa Thompson (Head of Corporate Responsibility; President of the Alcon Foundation) joined Orbis on the ground for an opportunity to see our work up close. The FEH team was thrilled to have this opportunity to welcome these members of the Alcon team.

As you celebrate World Sight day, we hope you’ll also celebrate this important, long-standing Orbis partnership – and look forward to the continued work we’ll accomplish together in the future.

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