Singra Vision Center.

Fighting blindness, poverty and gender inequality in Bangladesh

Thanks to our amazing supporters and our partnership with the Qatar Fund for Development and the Grameen foundation (through Qatar Creating Vision) – we’re excited to tell you about the Singra Vision Center in Bangladesh.

The center is managed by three hard-working eye health professionals. The big difference with other centers? They are all women.

Minufa, Kalpona and Rumpa are able to provide access to medical training and treatment for other women in the area. Their hard work and dedication encourages women to seek treatment for their vision loss – something of particular encouragement to those who would be reluctant to seek care from male health workers.

Eye doctor Minufa Khatum from Bangladesh, wearing a blue niqab, stares at the camera

Minufa is paying for her brother's education

Minufa Khatum, 24

I want­ed to serve my com­mu­ni­ty and I like learn­ing new skills. Since my father passed away, I decid­ed to work to help sup­port my fam­i­ly. By work­ing, I can help sup­port my younger brother’s education.”

Opened in August 2017 the Singra vision Center uses the Grameen Social Business Model making it a ‘social business’ whose goal is to promote social needs rather than pursue profit.

While the vision center does seek enough revenue to cover its costs it will only seek payment from those that can afford it. Those unable to contribute anything will still receive the same treatment free of charge.

The vision center plays a key role raising awareness of eye health in the community and referring women to hospital for surgery and treatment. Those referred from the center also receive free or reduced cost treatment.

Eye Doctor.

Rumpa refers around 50 people every two weeks for cataract surgery

Rumpa 26

There is a lack of aware­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty around eye health and the need to seek treat­ment to pre­vent vision impair­ment and blind­ness. Often peo­ple wait too long to seek care and its dif­fi­cult for them to trav­el far dis­tances to vis­it hos­pi­tals. Every two weeks, we refer approx­i­mate­ly 50 peo­ple to the hos­pi­tal for cataract surgery.”

A big thank you to Minufa, Kalpona and Rumpa for all their hard work and dedication to help fight avoidable blindness in communities.

And a big thank you to our supporters and partners who make centers like this possible.

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