Our President & CEO Bob Ranck revealed our 2017 impact and gave an overview of the challenges we are facing, such as delivering eye care to displaced Rohingya communities.
Annual President’s Club Dinner
Our Annual President’s Club Dinner took place on Wednesday, April 25th 2018 in New York City, and brought together supporters and Orbis Country Directors, who gave updates directly from the field. We've selected some of the highlights for you to enjoy below.
Orbis 2017 Overview – Bob Ranck
Ethiopia Update – Danny Haddad
Orbis Chief of Program Danny Haddad, shared our progress in Ethiopia and the elimination of trachoma, a painful blinding disease.
Simulation Training – Amelia Geary
Amelia Geary, our Director of Program Development and Quality, showed the audience how we use simulation to create a safe and realistic environment for trainees to practice in.
Vision Center – Rahul Ali
Rahul Ali, Country Director for India, demonstrated the need for and the efficiency of Vision Centers in India and Bangladesh.