Heroes of Orbis: Dr. Javed Farooqui

Dr. Javed Farooqui first joined the Orbis family in 2014 as a staff ophthalmologist on board the Flying Eye Hospital. Now, he’s a consultant at Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital in Delhi, India, where he delivers sight-saving treatment and trains fellow ophthalmologists from across the world.

Dr. Javed Farooqui on the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital

Dr. Javed Farooqui, former staff ophthalmologist on the Flying Eye Hospital and Orbis Volunteer Faculty member

Dr. Farooqui is an Adjunct Consultant at Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital – our longest standing partner in India – where he specializes in cornea and refractive services. He also runs the Eye Care Training academy which trains residents and fellows in the latest surgical techniques.

Since the pandemic began the team at Dr. Shroff’s have delivered more than 200 online lectures - ensuring eye teams up and down the country keep up-to-date with the latest techniques even during lockdown.

Most recently, he has taken a leading role in delivering an eight-week remote learning program as part of our virtual Flying Eye Hospital project. Combining remote learning on Cybersight, with virtual wet lab training on artificial eyes and remote mentoring from Orbis Volunteer Faculty, this innovative program supports local ophthalmologists to develop the skills they need to carry out sight-saving surgery, despite the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Javed Farooqui

Orbis Volunteer Faculty

I have been work­ing close­ly with my col­leagues at Orbis to make this pro­gram a huge suc­cess… Wet lab train­ing has come a long way and there are now sur­gi­cal sim­u­la­tors for trainees to get an actu­al feel for surg­eries before pro­ceed­ing to the oper­at­ing room. This not only gives the trainees con­fi­dence to oper­ate, but also makes the surgery safe and pre­dictable for our patients.

During his time as a staff ophthalmologist on board the Flying Eye Hospital, Dr. Farooqui travelled to more than 12 countries, sharing his skills, knowledge and expertise with eye health professionals across the globe.

Out of all the trips, I feel the most memorable ones were my first and last programs”, Dr. Farooqui tells us. “My first program was in China in 2014, when I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the Flying Eye Hospital program and by the commitment and passion that everyone worked with. I was fresh out of my residency and enjoyed working alongside some of the big names in ophthalmology from all over the world.”

Coincidently, his last program mission also took him to China, bringing his journey with the Flying Eye Hospital full circle.

These images were all taking pre Covid-19 and show Dr. Farooqui delivering treatment on board our Flying Eye Hospital.

Dr. Javed Farooqui

Orbis Volunteer Faculty

While at Orbis, I met, inter­act­ed and worked with train­ers and trainees from all over the world, and the com­mon theme for trainees every­where was the need to improve their clin­i­cal knowl­edge and sur­gi­cal skill. I feel that Orbis has inte­grat­ed sim­u­la­tion train­ing in its teach­ing cur­ricu­lum, which will sure­ly help stan­dard­ize train­ing all over the world.

Orbis has been working in India for more than two decades, partnering with almost every major eye care center in India to advance eye health across the country, including Dr. Shroff’s—with the ‘Sandwich’ Pediatric Fellowship training programs, bringing ophthalmologists from Vietnam and Indonesia to Dr. Shroff’s for training with Dr. Farooqui and his colleagues.

Looking to the future, Dr. Farooqui hopes that more face-to-face training will be able to resume, but tells us that a true silver lining of the pandemic has been the ability to take training online and share knowledge with a larger audience.

Dr. Javed Farooqui

Orbis Volunteer Faculty

Orbis has played the role of bring­ing togeth­er var­i­ous eye hos­pi­tals in India to work togeth­er towards achiev­ing the com­mon goal of elim­i­nat­ing avoid­able blind­ness…. The kind of work Orbis and Dr. Shroff’s Char­i­ty Eye Hos­pi­tal are doing in the field of train­ing and oph­thal­mol­o­gy, with the aim of deliv­er­ing eye care to the grass­roots lev­els is phe­nom­e­nal, and I am proud to be a part of this mission.

Thank you Dr. Farooqui for being such a valued member of the Orbis family and taking the time to share your expert skills and knowledge with the next generation of eye surgeons—we look forward to many more years of working together!

Thanks to people like you, and our wonderful supporters and donors, we can continue to work in partnership to deliver sight-saving treatment and training in communities around the world.

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