October is World Sight Month and Orbis is asking our partners and supporters to join us in focusing on children’s eye health worldwide and giving every child the chance to love their eyes.

Love your Eyes campaign logo with Seymour the bear

We are calling on parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and caregivers of all sorts to book an eye test for a child you love—and donate to Orbis to help us screen a child in need of eye care.

Eye exams are important for catching issues early and keeping your eyes healthy. Unfortunately, not every child gets the chance to have one.

Globally, there are 450 million children who cannot get the treatment they need for a sight condition. Addressing vision impairment can enhance a child's educational opportunities, boost their self-confidence, and make playing and socializing easier. Something as simple as getting glasses can help a child unleash potential and thrive.

Through our REACH (Refractive Error Among children) projects in India, Bangladesh, Ghana, and Nepal, we partner with schools to build teams of eye care professionals and provide them with the tools they need to perform eye exams, distribute eyeglasses, and refer children needing specialized care to appropriate healthcare facilities.

We should all be showing our eyes some love, but children need a little help to do it. Here’s where you come in!

Step 1 – Donate to Orbis to help us screen a child in need of eye care

Step 2 – Book an eye test for a child you love

Step 3 – Share this to send an important message to kids and their caregivers everywhere: Love Your Eyes

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Help screen a child in need of eye care

World Sight Month Stories


Do you or your children wear glasses? We'd love to hear your story of what it was like to get your first pair. Share your story on social media using the hashtag #myEYEstory and we'll make sure to reshare it.

Kristin wanted to get her eyes checked to get a free toy. But did she get one? Watch to find out.

Jenna's kids loved their first visit to the optometrist.

Dylan has had five eye exams by the age of six.

Clare is grateful her children received quality eye care.

Help Orbis screen and treat a child in need

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