Nancy's Story: Saving Children's Sight All Year Round

This Valentine’s Day, we’re feeling all the feels because supporters like Nancy Hayward are making the world brighter for so many people. Nancy is one of Orbis’s loyal monthly donors who is passionate about transforming lives through healthy sight.

Nancy, a retired schoolteacher, is part of our special family of supporters changing lives with their monthly gifts.

Helping Others Reach Their Potential

Nancy has always cared deeply about making a difference in the world. As a teacher of 29 years, she knows firsthand how much potential lies within each child.

She worries about children who don't have healthy sight but could be the next inventor or medical pioneer... if only they could see clearly. "I can't think of anything more important than helping to ensure no one is needlessly blind," she says.

Healthy vision is something Nancy holds dear. She often jokes that she lives in her optometrist's office. Nancy is receiving treatment for glaucoma and has had a cataract removed. But she's thankful she has excellent eye care and wants others to have the same.

That's why she became an Orbis Partner In Sight — to support Orbis's vision-restoring work by pledging a monthly gift.


Partner in Sight Monthly Donor

My month­ly gifts are mod­est, but in com­bi­na­tion with those from my fel­low Part­ners in Sight, they are mak­ing a mark.

Nancy's monthly gifts mean more children like Mariya from Cameroon have the chance to live their lives with clear vision and independence.


Join Nancy and the special community of supporters who are transforming lives every day.

Nancy Saves Sight Every Day of the Year

Nancy first learned of Orbis from a letter she received in the mail. Although she gets many letters, Orbis's caught her attention because the mission aligns with her own values. She wants to help create a world where no one lives a life of unnecessary blindness.

"It feels good to know that Orbis is training health workers in countries that lack access to the type of eye care that has protected my vision," she says.

What Nancy loves the most in life comes from the world of vision — travel, arts and crafts, reading, cooking, museums, and much more. She can't imagine not being able to see the beauty in the world.

Nancy enjoys being a Partner in Sight because monthly giving is so easy and convenient. She doesn't need to worry about writing checks or whether her donations were received.

And she adds, "I'm reminded 12 times a year that I'm leaving the world a better place."

As a teacher, Nancy believes that training eye health professionals like Dr. Murat from Mongolia is crucial in fighting blindness in communities around the world.

Become a Partner in Sight With Your First Monthly Gift

"I cannot imagine living without seeing," Nancy says. "So I want to give what I can to make life better for others."

You, too, can help children reach their potential by becoming a Partner in Sight today. Your generous gift each month will transform lives, every day of the year.

Please join Nancy and our wonderful community of supporters who fight avoidable blindness and change so many lives — today, and for many years to come.

Give Monthly

From Our Heart (and Funny Bone) to Yours

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