Chinese paediatric glaucoma patient Shunwen, in a pink dress

Orbis and Santen Announce Partnership to Tackle the Burden of Eye Diseases

We're excited to announce a 10-year partnership with Santen to fight the increasing burden of eye disease in communities around the world, especially in Asia. This new partnership will focus on using technology to make eye care more accessible to those who need it most.

The Future of Medicine

We are so excited to announce our newest partnership with Santen Pharmaceutical, a company dedicated to research and development of ophthalmological health solutions.

With technology at the forefront of medical innovation, teaming up with companies like Santen is crucial to guarantee that doctors are receiving the best-in-class training they deserve.

We first introduced our partnership with Santen in June of this year, highlighting a three-year project to expand ophthalmic learning materials on Cybersight in languages like Chinese. That "Digital Glaucoma Education Initiative" is in addition to our newly announced 10-year partnership.

In the first three years of the new partnership, Orbis and Santen will focus on increasing high-quality eye care systems by enhancing medical training through the use of digital technology like artificial intelligence. We will also work to increase public and social awareness of the importance of eye health.

Some activities that will take place in the first three years include:

・High-Quality ophthalmology training

・Improving the expertise of ophthalmologists in respect of Glaucoma

・Development and distribution of digital technologies, including AI and digital training tools, for use in education

・Research aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of eye health

These goals will be focused on improving ophthalmology in India and Vietnam, in addition to the expansion of training materials in China announced in June this year.

Shigeo Taniuchi

President and CEO of Santen

We are pleased to announce our deep­ened part­ner­ship with Orbis, this col­lab­o­ra­tion will accel­er­ate the growth of and access to eye care sys­tems in under­served coun­tries and regions by con­tribut­ing to oph­thalmic care capac­i­ty enhance­ment and increas­ing aware­ness of the impor­tance of eye health. As not­ed in our long-term vision San­ten 2030, San­ten believes in a holis­tic approach to eye care begin­ning with edu­ca­tion, train­ing, tech­nol­o­gy and research to help ensure opti­mal patient care which in turn may lead to Hap­pi­ness with Vision for peo­ple around the world.

Thanks to partners like Santen, we can expand access to ophthalmic teaching and training around the world, and help reach our goal of a world free from avoidable blindness.

Thanks to this exciting partnership we will help improve ophthalmic education through innovative technology in the communities that need it most - because we believe that no one should go blind simply because of where they were born.

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