The news that Elisa’s babies were at risk came amidst already difficult circumstances. The hospital in her hometown hadn’t been able to accommodate Elisa’s high-risk pregnancy, so they referred her to a more advanced facility in Lima. Five months into the pregnancy, doctors detected danger of an early birth, and Elisa was admitted to the hospital for a week.
Despite the scare, the expectant mother—who already had three boys at home—was happy and excited. “I was really happy five months in after seeing the sonograms! They told me it was going to be three girls,” she said, laughing, so I now have a balance.”
At six months and three weeks, Elisa was hospitalized again. This time, doctors told her she would have to stay until the babies were born.
When the time came at 32 weeks, complications were such that Elisa had to be transported by ambulance to yet another hospital. It was there, at Orbis’s partner Santa Rosa Hospital, that she welcomed her three tiny new daughters into the world. She named them Ruth, Sara, and Ester.
“I was lucky that when I gave birth, it was in a hospital with five incubators,” she said about the NICU at Santa Rosa Hospital. “My babies took up three!”