Smiling women in Ethiopian village.

Sue Ranck's Great Ethiopian Run 2017

Date Sunday 26th November, 2017
Time 12 - 3 p.m.
Location Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

On November 26th, Sue Ranck will be joining her husband Bob Ranck, Orbis CEO, and a crowd of over 26,000 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the Great Ethiopian Run.

Sue is participating in the Great Ethiopian Run 10K to help fight against the disease that effects 1.2 million Ethiopians: trachoma - a highly infectious eye disease that leads to scarring of the eyelids and disproportionately affects women.

"I have always given financially to fundraising events of family and friends, but now I feel like it’s my turn to do the hard work," Sue said. "By donating to Orbis and participating in the Great Ethiopian Run 10K, I’m trying to do my part to positively impact those children’s future and help give them back their sight."

Donate today and read more about why Sue is participating in The Great Ethiopian Run.

Flying eye hospital cockpit.

Bob and Sue in the cockpit of the Flying Eye Hospital.

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