Dr Rudy Wagner outside the Flying Eye Hospital.

Dr Rudy Wagner invites you to join Team Orbis

This is Dr Rudy Wagner, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and long time Orbis Volunteer Faculty member. Dr Wagner has been part of Team Orbis since the early 1980s and he wants you to join too.

If you join Team Orbis by signing up to our newsletter you will hear amazing stories about our Flying Eye Hospital and the people, like Dr Rudy Wagner, who volunteer on board.

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This is why Dr Wagner thinks you should join team Orbis today:

Dr Rudy Wagner

Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology

It’s get­ting even bet­ter and bet­ter over the years. And the rea­son I say that is because… don’t for­get… we start­ed this stuff before there was the inter­net and oth­er types of tech­nol­o­gy to get this infor­ma­tion out there. Now I do a surgery that gets broad­cast in 73 coun­tries around the world, peo­ple were watch­ing, tuned into to watch the surgery, how it’s done, and you’re teach­ing the same just like you would if they were sit­ting in the air­craft watch­ing over your shoul­der. So that’s real­ly reward­ing and it’s also a more effec­tive. You feel like you’re real­ly using your vol­un­teer time in a more worth­while way, it’s reach­ing more people.
Rudy Wagner outside eye hospital.

Dr Rudy Wagner outside the Flying Eye Hospital in Vietnam

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